Tuesday, April 3, 2012

True Men Don't Kill Coyotes

So I've come to embrace a lot about myself that lay dormant forEVER!   At some point we can delve into the number of screws I actually have loose (I do visit a screw tightener weekly) but for now let's just say that life's circumstances endeavored to create a girl/woman that was probably more chameleon than human.  

Then about 6 months ago one screw too many came loose and POP-GOES-THE-WEASEL!!  It wasn't a scary kind of life epiphany, unless you're my husband.  Then, well, sorry babe but your life is about to get royally fucked.  

My persona for the last forever and a day was one of a mild mannered soccer momite that socialized appropriately with other couples and moms.  Occasionally, the true me would peek out when no one was looking but that happened less and less and usually only when on my own; don't want to scare the natives after all.  So imagine my surprise when I woke up one day a completely different person. I'm not quite Sybil but....  let's just say we have more in common than not. 

So I go out with a gf that I had drifted away from and SHAZAAM!  I'm clicking and whirring and being and it was freaking cool.  There was some shit that happened during the clicking and whirring since I was at a bar with cute guys and chicks but nothing scandalous.  At least not that I can clearly remember.  But it was like natural life crack.  I was buzzing like I was Jim Belushi.  At this point, I do think it is fair, out of full disclosure, to admit that I had a secret lust for someone that also came out of the closet that night.  That began my 1st adventure into sexting.  Shameful, yeah, whatever!! 

6 months later I am still lusting after the same person.  At least I know I'm not just some crazed bitch in heat.  But things are platonic (not from lack of fervent praying & wishing on my part)  I moved out of my house and into an apartment and I've been here a week and had my son with me for his first visit.  Life is settling and I'm most impressed that I have not yet gone on a binger;  but it has only been a week!

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